Disease Recognition Using X-Ray Plates

  • Tech Stack:Jupyter Notebook,Python,Docker,AWS E2,S3 ,Github Actions
  • Project URL: Disease Recognition

• An X-ray is a common imaging test that’s been used for decades. It can help your doctor view the inside of your body without having to make an incision. This can help them diagnose, monitor, and treat many medical conditions. Different types of X-rays are used for different purposes. For example, your doctor may order a mammogram to examine your breasts. Or they may order an X-ray with a barium enema to get a closer look at your gastrointestinal tract. There are some risks involved in getting an X-ray. X-rays are standard procedures. An X-ray technologist or radiologist can perform an X-ray in a hospital’s radiology department, a dentist’s office, or a clinic that specializes in diagnostic procedures.

• X-rays are used to examine many parts of our body. Sometimes a human doctor might miss slightest part of disfunctionality. An automated vision based system which is trained with huge amount of data which can recognize the slightest amount of disfunctionality in any part of the body which can be visible through X-ray Plates. So, the main objectives are as follows: 1. Identify or classify the disease through the X-ray plates. 2. Make a clear report of the whole Result. 3. Also suggest nearby doctors and hospital for the mentioned disease using your current location